
Verdens bedste butikker

Varighed:45 min. + Q&A.

Lær fra verdens bedste og mest innovative butikker. Få en hands-on introduktion og gennemgang af hvad nogle af de bedste og mest innovative butikker gør.
Foredraget er fyldt med praktiske eksempler som du kan gå hjem og implementere med det samme.

Henrik Reisby vandt selv prisen Verdens mest innovative butik inden for Home & Housewares, og har siden 2010 arbejdet som medlem af ekspertjuryen i The Global Innovator Award.

ReisbyConsult har med succes hjulpet med at udvikle innovative retailkoncepter for butikker og detailkæder.

Henrik Reisby Nielsen was a main speaker at the 4th Interior Decoration Congress in Business Centre Club in Warsaw. This event is the most important and prestigious meeting of the decision makers in interior decoration and housewares business in Poland. Henrik’s lecture “Innovation is NOT about money” was the final and most interesting speech at the congress. The examples of the best world practices in marketing and retail gave the audience a lot of inspirations and motivation for doing their businesses more creative and innovative. His lecture was a great practical help for every congress participant. I recommend Mr. Henrik Reisby Nielsen as the best professional businessman, retail and marketing consultant and fantastic speaker.