Reisby Consult
Innovative løsninger til byer, detailhandlen og virksomheder.



ReisbyConsult har mange års erfaring med at udvikle kundecentrerede forretningskoncepter, der inkluderer brug af nye teknologier. ReisbyConsult har været digital rådgiver for flere store internationale selskaber. Fokus har været at øge kundeloyalitet og indtjening via innovative digitale services.

Henrik Reisby har siden 2009 været Expert Jury-medlem i The Global Innovation Award. Det indebærer, at bedømme og rådgive nogle af verdens mest innovative butikker indenfor housewares-branchen.


Det siger vores kunder

Henrik took me and the rest of the group by storm, when he showed us his vision of a more consumer centric digitized version of our product.
Henrik quickly and easily grasped all aspects of our product and consumer experience objectives, and developed a digitized, functional prototype of our product in less than 1 month.
Henrik and his team are smart, quick, pleasant to work with and driven to achieve results. If your goal is effective transformation of your business -
I recommend you hire Henrik!
— Sean McKiernan, Head of Global Services, Mastercard
Henrik and his team were a pleasure to work with. A strong consulting resource with a focus on creating and delivering consumer centric solutions for the digital future. Combining old school virtues with new technologies and services. Serious and hard working, the team endeavored to exceed all expectations in working through a strategic process to design an end to end solution.
I highly recommend Henrik and his team to help you with your digital customer engagement opportunities!
— Ralf Riehl, Insurance Executive Mastercard
Alle kan købe en billet til New York, Paris eller Berlin og se de nye trends indenfor detailhandel. Ganske få kan omsætte de nye koncepter og udviklingstrends til den danske detailhandel som Henrik. Hans viden er funderet i virkelighedens verden. Når Henrik går på podiet og begynder at fortælle om sine egne erfaringer med at drive en forretning, giver tilhørerne eksempler på, hvordan han udviklede forretningen, ja så er det et sandt overflødighedshorn af konkrete metoder. Metoder som alle umiddelbart kan bringes i anvendelse, hvis du ønsker udvikling.
— Dorthe Bjerre, Direktør for Synergii
Henrik Reisby is a fountain of ideas. He is innovative and always focused on good results. The team approaches each job with a strong commitment and an incredible level of efficiency to solve problems within the deadline.
Reisby Consult is the better choice … believe me.
— Kristine Hejgaard
Concepts & ideas that truly work. Henrik Reisby ensured a 360% growth in sales within 3 years, turning H.P.Nielsen into the single largest outlet in the world for Royal Copenhagen at that time.
— Jacob Engberg, Key Account Manager, Royal Copenhagen 2003 - 2013
Henrik Reisby Nielsen was a main speaker at the 4th Interior Decoration Congress in Business Centre Club in Warsaw. This event is the most important and prestigious meeting of the decision makers in interior decoration and housewares business in Poland. Henrik’s lecture “Innovation is NOT about money” was the final and most interesting speech at the congress. The examples of the best world practices in marketing and retail gave the audience a lot of inspirations and motivation for doing their businesses more creative and innovative. His lecture was a great practical help for every congress participant. I recommend Mr. Henrik Reisby Nielsen as the best professional businessman, retail and marketing consultant and fantastic speaker.
— Jerzy Osika, CEO and owner of Promedia
We hired Henrik Reisby to create a customer service oriented program, and educate our entire organization on different levels. The program was a huge success and succeeded in what is often the most difficult task – lasting change of behavior. The education program was a combination of lectures and practical assignments. Henrik Reisby received extremely high rating from the students in our internal evaluation of the program. I would surely hire them again to make a change!
— Lars Lunde Ljungberg, Team Lead & Library Development Consultant at Roskilde Libraries 2007 to 2014
It is rare that I come across a standout visionary and at the same time honest and trusting person like Henrik. Introduced by a friend 25 years ago, I am happy today that I can count him as a family member which I can call at any time when I need advice.
— Peter Blunck